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厚朴营养成分分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用高效液相色谱法及重量法等对野生植物厚朴的营养成分进行了分析,结果表明,厚朴中含有矿质元素、蛋白质、维生素等多种营养成分,旨在为开发利用厚朴的植物资源提供科学依据.  相似文献   
Resistance of soybean cultivars, depending on single dominant genes to Phytophthora sojae, may easily be overcome by emerging new virulent races. Light microscopy (LM) and electron microscopy (EM) were used to study the infection process of the wild‐type isolate Ps411 and metalaxyl‐resistant mutant Ps411‐M of P. sojae in hypocotyls of soybean seedlings grown from untreated and metalaxyl‐treated seeds. The isolate Ps411‐M of P. sojae exhibited a high degree of resistance to metalaxyl compared to Ps411. The pathogenic fitness of Ps411‐M in hypocotyls of soybean seedlings was lower compared to Ps411. LM observations showed distinct differences in the infection process of both isolates in hypocotyls of treated soybean seedlings. EM studies revealed differences in the prepenetration stage between Ps411 and Ps411‐M on hypocotyls grown from seeds treated with 0.02% metalaxyl until the whole seed surface coated. The number of infection sites was markedly reduced and few hyphae continued to spread. Numerous ultrastructural alterations in hyphae were observed in treated hypocotyls infected with Ps411, including pronounced thickening of hyphal cell walls and encasement of haustorium‐like bodies; electron‐dense material was deposited in host cell walls in contact with hyphal cells. Neither the prepenetration process nor penetration or spread of hyphae in the hypocotyls of the resistant isolate was affected in treated compared to non‐treated tissue. While in treated hypocotyls infected with the wild‐type isolate, host defence reactions were induced, no such reactions were detected in treated hypocotyls infected with the resistant isolate. Hypocotyls from metalaxyl‐treated seeds infected with the wild‐type isolate resembled an incompatible interaction, whereas during infection with the metalaxyl‐resistant mutant, the compatible interaction was not changed.  相似文献   
水资源投入产出方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
肖强  胡聃  郭振  王天祥  谭宏 《生态学报》2011,31(19):5475-5483
从扩展建模技术、系数调整2条线索回顾国内外的水资源投入产出研究进展, 并讨论水资源的投入产出研究的不足和发展趋势。因为水资源投入产出表反映的是水资源与经济结构的关系,如果研究人员自己编制一张水资源投入产出表是不容易的事情。通常情况下都是以研究地域的投入产出表为基础,与其他模型相结合来研究水资源投入产出,但是水资源投入产出建模技术因为数据的限制而只能建立年度模型,具有很强的前提假定,使得投入产出建模技术缺乏灵活性,因而在运用中有对模型改进的必要。水资源投入产出扩展建模技术在这些方面就分别形成了与地区投入产出表结合的投入产出建模技术、与水资源供给相结合的投入产出扩展建模技术、与延长表结合的投入产出扩展建模技术。时效性缺乏一直就成为影响IO模型研究的最主要的瓶颈之一,为此,对各种用于建立新的 IO 表技术的研究一直受到普遍的重视。目前, IO 表系数调整方法已从消耗系数不变的系数调整方法、以RAS为代表的比例法, 发展到多种手段相结合的优化法。算法的改进和求解非线性规划问题的大量计算机软件的出现使得非线性优化模型得到了广泛的应用。  相似文献   
中国粮食和农业植物遗传资源状况报告(Ⅰ)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
10多年来,中国政府十分重视粮食和农业植物遗传资源的保护和可持续利用,并根据<粮食和农业植物遗传资源全球行动计划>20项优先领域,通过制定和完善相关的法律法规,加强了粮食和农业植物遗传资源的管理;通过培训和科普宣传,提高了公众意识;通过国际合作和协作网建设,实现了信息、人员和植物遗传资源的交流与交换;通过各种国家计划和项目的实施,建立和完善了植物遗传资源保护体系,实现了植物遗传资源的安全保存和可持续利用,为中国乃至世界植物育种和粮食安全发挥了较大作用. (1)对主要粮食和农业植物野生种进行了系统调查和编目,建立了116个原生境保护点,包括野生稻、野生大豆、小麦野 生近缘植物、野生蔬菜等,有效遏制了野生植物遗传资源的快速灭绝现象. (2)建成和完善了1座国家长期库、1座国家复份库、10座国家中期库、29座省级中期库、32个国家种质资源圃(含2个 试管苗库),另外7个种质圃正在建设中.基本形成了较为完善的国家植物遗传资源保护体系,长期保存植物遗传资源 397067份. (3)繁殖更新了286604份植物遗传资源,充实了中期库,极大地提高了植物遗传资源分发和供种能力.仅2001-2007年 就向全国2650个单位,提供了13.2万份次植物遗传资源. (4)国家投资1.8亿元人民币,于2003年建成了"作物基因资源与基因改良国家重大科学工程",为植物遗传资源具有重 大应用前景新基因的基因型鉴定、发掘提供了条件平台. (5)通过植物遗传资源的深入鉴定与评价,创造了一大批优异种质,培育了大量植物新品种并应用于生产,提高了植物遗 传资源的利用率.同时,中国政府十分重视植物遗传资源的多样性利用,通过不同作物间作套种、同一作物不同品种混合种 植.保护了品种的多样性,减少了病虫杂草危害. (6)通过加强植物遗传资源的管理,实现了国内植物遗传资源的共享,扩大了对外交流与交换,为中国乃至世界粮食安 全、国民经济又快又好地发展、减少贫困、增加农民收入做出了较大贡献. 尽管中国在粮食和农业植物遗传资源保护和利用方面取得了显著成绩,但还面临许多挑战.需要加强与其他国家和国 际组织的合作,获得国外植物遗传资源和相关技术;继续进行植物遗传资源,特别是野生植物遗传资源、边远地区古老农家品 种的调查及考察与收集,进一步建设和完善植物遗传资源保护体系,实现本国植物遗传资源的全面保护;系统深入地鉴定评 价已保存的植物遗传资源,提供育种家利用,拓宽育种材料的遗传基础;实现更加充分的资源共享和利益分享.进一步提高资 源利用效率.  相似文献   
为将20份新收集(引进)、选育的烤烟种质资源入国家种质库进行编目和保存,对各种质进行田间鉴定评价,结果表明,云烟317、云烟201、云烟202、云烟203、PVH09和RGH51等品种抗或中抗黑胫病、根结线虫病、青枯病、TMV等主要病害中的2种以上,产量适中、品质较好,已经全国烟草品种审定委员会审(认)定,其余种质资源在田间生长正常,白花大金元、江川地方种、大有种和人民六队-15黑胫病较重。田间试验获得了各种质的生育期、形态特征、主要农艺性状、经济性状、原烟外观质量、化学成分和主要病害等数据资料,拍摄了各种质的植株、叶片、花序、花冠和蒴果的照片,按规定上交合格种子并入库保存,获得的资料全部上交给中国农业科学院烟草研究所,用于中国烟草种质资源信息系统和共享平台建设,为丰富国家种质库以及今后持续利用种质资源奠定良好基础。  相似文献   
Growing concerns surrounding established and expanding populations of wild pigs (Sus scrofa) have created the need for rapid and accurate surveys of these populations. We conducted surveys of a portion of the wild pig population on Fort Benning, Georgia, to determine if a longer time-lapse interval than had been previously used in surveys of wild pigs would generate similar detection results. We concurrently examined whether use of soured corn at camera sites affected the time necessary for pigs to locate a new camera site or the time pigs remained at a site. Our results suggest that a 9-min time-lapse interval generated dependable detection results for pigs and that soured corn neither attracted pigs to a site any quicker than plain, dry, whole-kernel corn, nor held them at a site longer. Maximization of time-lapse interval should decrease data and processing loads, and use of a simple, available bait should decrease cost and effort associated with more complicated baits; combination of these concepts should increase efficiency of wild pig surveys. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Despite the efforts of many natural resource professionals, wild pig (Sus scrofa) populations are expanding in many areas of the world. Although many creative techniques for controlling pig populations are being explored, trapping has been and still is the most commonly used method of population control for many public and private land managers. We conducted an observational study to examine the efficiency of 2 frequently used trap styles: a small, portable box-style trap and a larger, semi-permanent, corral-style trap. We used game cameras to examine patterns of trap entry by wild pigs around each style of trap, and we conducted a trapping session to compare trapping success between trap styles. Adult female and juvenile wild pigs entered both styles of trap more readily than did adult males, and adult males seemed particularly averse to entering box traps. Less than 10% of adult male visits to box traps resulted in entries, easily the least percentage of any class at any style of trap. Adult females entered corral traps approximately 2.2 times more often per visit than box traps and re-entered corral traps >2 times more frequently. Juveniles entered and re-entered both box and corral traps at similar rates. Overall (all-class) entry-per-visit rates at corral traps (0.71) were nearly double that of box traps (0.37). Subsequent trapping data supported these preliminary entry data; the capture rate for corral traps was >4 times that of box traps. Our data suggest that corral traps are temporally and economically superior to box traps with respect to efficiency; that is, corral traps effectively trap more pigs per trap night at a lower cost per pig than do box traps. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
于鹏辉  伍修宇  曹述铁  易传安 《生物磁学》2011,(12):2365-2366,2323
断层解剖学作为解剖学与医学影像学等学科相结合的交叉学科,对现代化的影像技术及临床应用具有非常重要的意义。要学好断层解剖学:必须明确断层解剖学的重要性;培养学习的兴趣,注意临床针对性;抓好学习的重点,注意学习方法;打好局部解剖学知识的基础,始终贯彻断层标本与影像相结合的原则;并高度重视现代化多媒体资料的应用。  相似文献   
Environmental Stewardship (ES) is the main mechanism for reversing the decline in farmland birds in England, and includes a range of options designed to provide winter foraging for seed‐eating species. We estimated granivorous songbird densities on ES options designed to provide winter food, on farms within the Entry Level (ELS) or Higher Level (HLS) strata of ES. ES Wild Bird Mixtures (WBMs) hosted higher densities and a wider range of granivores than non‐ES game covers, although in East Anglia the enhanced HLS WBM was used no more than the basic ELS WBM. In the West Midlands there were low densities of granivores on all WBMs and game covers. The widespread ELS WBM appeared to provide little food for buntings but supported finches, partially through greater weed burdens. There was a weak, non‐significant trend for Skylarks Alauda arvensis to make greater use of ELS cereal stubbles than non‐ES stubbles, possibly because of post‐harvest herbicide restrictions allowing overwinter weed growth. At the field scale, this work demonstrates that although some ES options provide winter food resources for birds, there is limited evidence for additional benefits of Higher Level vs. Entry Level Stewardship to wintering farmland songbirds.  相似文献   
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